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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Information for Memory Book

Coral Gables High Class of 1966
Information for Memory Book
For our 40-year Reunion
(Please copy and paste information into an E-mail - see instructions below)

Please fill-in and return as soon as possible. In order to get the books printed in time and without paying RUSH charges, we need to get your information as soon as possible. Whether or not you have decided to come to the reunion, you can still have your information included in the book. We also need your signature to permit us to include whatever information you would like in the book.
Thank you

Full Name (First, Maiden, Last):

Residence Address:

City, State, Zip :

Telephone numbers:

E-mail Address:

Position or title:
Business or Professional affiliation:
Business Address:

Married or Single:
Name of Spouse:

Number of Children, grandchildren names and ages:

Tell us about yourself and what you have been doing since 1966. You might include college or present and past clubs, fraternal organizations, civic activities, and other social affiliations:
(If you need more space, add at the bottom of the form. If you would like to send us a current picture (.jpg only), we will try to include it in the book, if space is available.)

I and/or my spouse be willing to help with the following (check):
Memory Book _________
Friday Night Event ________
Finding Classmates ________
Saturday Night Event _______

You may include all info in the memory book: ______
Include only my name and (list): _______________



Please E-mail your completed form to: Mona McGilvary Draper with a copy to Art Berkowitz

If you would prefer to mail a hard copy, please send it to:

Mona Draper
2670 SW 69 Avenue
Miami, FL 33155

Copy and paste instructions: (For PC users , MACS are different). Highlight the entire form above. Then right click. Move your cursor to copy and left click. Open up your E-mail program. Click on the link: or open up your E-mail program if that did not open it automatically. Go to cc (copy) and type Then type in the subject: Your name - last name first - Memory book information. Go to the top of the area to post and right click. Move your cursor to paste and voila it should be there for you to fill-in. If you don't see it, it could just be higher up on the page. After filling in all your information and signing the form, just push send. You are done.

If you need help in working with the form E-mail or call Art Berkowitz - (800) 995-8610 - 8AM - 5PM Pacific Std. Time


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