Registration Form
Coral Gables High Class of 1966
40-year Reunion
Registration Form
Full Name:
First ___________ Maiden___________Last____________
First name for nametag, if different _________
Contact address:
Contact Telephone No. __________________
E-mail address: ________________________
Friday night January 12, 2007 - Casual Gathering at Coral Reef Yacht Club, Coconut Grove - lots of food and cash bar
Saturday night January 13, 2007 - Tropical Chic attire - Dance and Dine-Great Band, Great Food, Great friends - Coral Gables CC
If Paid by Oct. 31st----If Paid after Oct. 31st
Friday night only $65--------Friday night only $75
_____ _______
Saturday night only $100----Saturday night only $115 _____ _______
Friday and Sat. Night $150--Friday and Sat. night $175_____ _______
I want to be a sponsor:
Silver $250 (includes one (1) admission
to both nights,T-shirt, and memory book)
Platinum $500 (includes two (2) admissions
to both nights,T-shirt, memory book and 1/2 page ad)
Diamond $1,000 (includes two (2) admissions
to both nights,T-shirt, memory book, and full-page ad)
Sponsors $________
Sorry I can't make it, but I want a memory book ($25 each)
Memory book only $_______
I would like to buy an advertisement or sponsor a page
in the memory book (Platinum and Diamond sponsors
get a free ad)
Ad $________
Business card $25
1/4 page ad $50
1/2 page ad $75
Full page ad $100
Make checks payable to:
"Coral Gables 66-06 Reunion Committee"
TOTAL PAID __________
Mail to:
Charles Johnson
Richman Greer Weil Brumbaugh & Christinsen, PA
201 South Biscayne Blvd. 10th Floor
Miami, FL 33131
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