Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have received several questions related to the reunion so I thought we should address them in a FAQ.
Memory Book - missing names
We received several calls from people who did not realize that the book is set up in two sections: the front part includes people who sent in their biographies; the second section includes contact information for those who did not send in their bios. You will need to check both sections.
We did find that we had omitted all of the names after Tom Warner (the last name listed). There are about 30 people missing. We will send out an addendum shortly with those missing names and contact information.
Ed: They have now been sent out to everyone who attended the reunion.
Memory Book Corrections
Since we will be sending an addendum, anyone who noticed an error in their listing, please E-mail me as soon as possible and we will include any corrections at that time.
Ed: The corrections have also been sent out to those who attended the reunion.
Reunion Photo Website -
We have selected a commercial website for our reunion pictures - We sent an E-mail and an invite so that you can post your pictures, view other classmates pictures, and even purchase reunion pictures directly on the site.
However, we have discovered that there is a problem reaching the reunion group photos when people register directly with without first responding to the invite. It seems to work fine if you follow the link from the invite you received. So go back to the E-mail that includes the invite and it should work. If you can't find the E-mail with the invite or are still having problems, contact me and I will try to assist.
Ed: As of February 6th, 29 albums have been posted to the Snapfish site and 244 people have visited the site.
Art Berkowitz
Tel: (949) 362-9940 - Pacific time
Extra Reunion T-shirts
We still have lots of the Coral Gables High 40-year reunion t-shirts. They are really beautiful, but I guess we overestimated the number we purchased. Since we don't want them just sitting in a garage, anyone who wants one should contact Karen ( We will send them out for only the cost of the shipping.
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